It has been quite the turbulent year for us all. Escaping into the world of fiction has never been more needed. I feel very proud that my story helped readers to forget the current world and get lost in the world of Wizarding Information For Invoking. Since the book launch in May I’ve had wonderful reviews coming in from different media platforms. Having run two book giveaways I’ve also been lucky enough to engage with new readers across the UK. Getting the chance to have a personal interaction with readers is one of my favourite things about being a new author, even if it has only been via messages online.
Furthermore, WIFI seems to have been reaching international audiences, including America and India. I am pleased to see reviews slowly building up online via different social platforms. Here are some highlights.
Love from Instagram
This was such an adventurous and magical book to read! I’m not a big fantasy fan but still enjoyed it so if you love that genre then i’d definitely recommend it! It’s aimed at the YA audience making it a really easy book to read, following Ellery and her friends on their journey through magical portals. I loved Ellery- she’s a kick-arse character who i’d love to be friends with if fictional characters could be brought to life.
Wizarding Information for Invoking is @wifi_by_james_huntington’s debut novel. His creativity is so inspiring & I’m really looking forward to reading more of his work!
Interacting with new reader’s via Twitter

Full review also available via Goodreads.
If you like DND, goblins, witches, warlocks and fairies, with a fun twist on internet safety concerns, then this is a delightful story for you.
The descriptions of the goblins and dwarves, elves and witches are so detailed, you can see them jump off the page. From the landscapes to the fights, ans the mystical potions…works cannot describe the entertainment.
The only negative I noticed where a few grammar/spelling mistakes, that took me out of the story, but as you continue the story it becomes less of a distraction.
I love how Ellery, Derrick, and even Porto (who is over 100 years old) all grew as characters and learned something deep within themselves!
This is a great book for any age.
Love from Amazon
This book was such a great read.
The characters-
Our main character is Ellery who has been cursed and has to find a way to break. And on this adventure she meets a prince and a goblin. I liked all the characters in the book, they all had important roles and also characters development was done well.The story-
Totally enjoy the concept of the story. It had magic and technology. Like the technology works by magic and the magic deals are made over email. The story is all about taking down an evil corporation so that our main characters curse will break. But there so many twist and and turns in the story, loved reading it.
This story took me on a magical journey of learning the technological world of wizardry and magick, i think this work was very well thought out and really made me feel like i was alongside the characters experiencing these things. i love the acronyms and how they tie into the magic plot, the play on words in this novel is truly something i can appreciate as a writer myself. Ellery is larger than life and i really felt a connection to her as well as many other characters.
If you are looking for an amazing adventure in a fantasy world THIS IS YOUR BOOK! It is a hell of a ride! I loved reading WIFI, the characters are all endearing(I mean Porto is the greatest one of all to me!). A well written book where you visit the imaginative world of the author, the story line is addictive and some really good unexpected plot twist! What I liked the most is how James Huntington created a world that can relate to our own world, the references to our lives and how internet has become our worst and best enemy are perfect.
This book is for everyone that love a well written fantasy book!
Goodreads Reviews from across the world.
WIFI review espanol
[English review + Reseña en español]
WIFI: Wizarding Information For Invoking, by James Huntington
Olympia Publishers 2020
316 pages.
Genre / Themes: Fiction / Magical fantasy.Ellery wishes with all her heart to escape her horrible life in Stye Village with a family that does not value her, and despite knowing the dangers of the magical network, she risks contacting a witch, who promises a better life to her in exchange for her beauty. Derrick, the grumbling Prince of Glass City, fortunate possessor of goods and pleasures, reluctantly prepares to become his father’s worthy successor, but the spell cast on Ellery becomes the last straw for the King’s patience. Ellery and the prince are sent, along with a civil rights activist, to find a wise advisor who shall tell them how to stop the web of magic that is damaging an ever-growing part of their society.
This story, which mixes in a very original way the terminology of current computer systems and networks with the occurrence of a fantastic world in which magic has become an evil that spreads virally, talks about current issues such as social injustice, racism, security, privacy, the dangers of free access to huge networks, espionage, abuse, betrayal and even death.
Wrapped in the magic layer of the fantastic and technologically advanced world of United-Evora, this fiction plays with current affairs in a clever and fun way that the youngest will enjoy and hopefully will make the older ones think about its implications in the real-world.
WIFI: Wizarding Information For Invoking, por James Huntington
Olympia Publishers 2020
316 páginas.
Género / Temas: Ficción / Fantasía mágica.Ellery desea con todo su corazón escapar de su horrible vida en Stye Village al lado de una familia que no la valora, y a pesar de conocer los peligros de la red mágica, se arriesga a contactar a una bruja, quien le promete una vida mejor a cambio de su belleza. Derrick, el refunfuñón Príncipe de Glass City, afortunado poseedor de bienes y placeres, se prepara a regañadientes para convertirse en el digno sucesor de su padre, pero el hechizo lanzado sobre Ellery se convierte en la gota que derrama el vaso de la paciencia del Rey. Ellery y el príncipe son enviados, junto con un activista defensor de los derechos civiles, a buscar a un sabio consejero que les dirá cómo acabar con la red de magia que está dañando a una parte cada vez mayor de su sociedad.
Esta historia, que mezcla de manera muy original la terminología de los sistemas computacionales y de las redes actuales con el acontecer de un mundo fantástico en el que la magia se ha convertido en un mal que se extiende de manera viral, habla de temas actuales como la injusticia social, el racismo, la seguridad, la privacidad, los peligros del acceso libre a las redes, el espionaje, el abuso, la traición e incluso la muerte.
Envuelta en la capa de mágica del fantástico y tecnológicamente avanzado mundo de United-Evora, esta ficción juega con temas de actualidad de una manera inteligente y divertida que disfrutarán los más jóvenes y hará pensar en sus implicaciones en el mundo real a los mayores.
A wonderful review from an autumnal book giveaway winner,
Huntington contrasts fairytale with real life issues. It starts with what seems like a simple Cinderella-style story but develops further into a variety of whimsical events with a rag-tag group of unlikely allies on a mission, taking a journey of self-discovery alongside it. The book addresses issues such as gender discrimination, racism and prejudice amongst others by relating each issue to different types of creatures. It enforces the implications of what you learn online and the dangers of the dark web whilst remaining in the story. It also gets across the idea of how individuals have become far too dependent on technology e.g. In a castle of history and artefacts but everybody, regardless of age, is glued to their devices – it comes across as a subconscious message to readers to not get carried away with the Internet, that they should use it as intended but not let it control their life. I love how intertwined these issues are with the comical storyline, it is very engaging and enjoyable to read. I had no problem getting into the book, the writing flows really well and creates a clear image of the scene (at least to me, it does). It portrays character development very well, like when the Prince sees similarities in the young blonde boy to how he acted when he was younger to how he is now which reflects how he is developing, it has subtle hints about character development throughout the entire book. This book is profound and original. It shows that everything is not what it seems, and what family means is in the eye of the beholder. What I like about it is how different it is from most books, while it still has some elements bordering on cliche, it is completely unique with how it gets those elements across in the story. It had quite a few plot twists I wasn’t expecting which kept me interested. I would recommend this story and would love to read more like it.

WIFI – “Wizarding information for Invoking” . It took me a long time to read but it was worth it.
I’ve read so many books where technology and magic are two different entities but this book brings together the combination of the two in a very fascinating way.
It covers a variety of social themes and the central characters are very relatable.
I mean who doesn’t love a savy heroine ?Their journey mingled with the fantasy and mystery totally reel you in.
In my opinion ,it’s definitely worth a second read 💓
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