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Nevermoor The Trails of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend

My most recent reads have tended to fair on reference or education so I decided to take a reprieve and retreat back to my favorite genre Middle Grade fantasy. At first I was apprehensive committing to Nevermoor given the series of books that proceed, but I am glad I gave it a go.

Morrigan Crow is one of many cursed children doomed to bring misfortune to anyone around her. As such she’s unliked by most and is doomed to die at midnight on her eleventh birthday. However, things take a unexpected change when Jupiter North whisks her away to a secret magical land named Nevermoor. Morrigan thereafter becomes a resident at the Hotel Deucalion where she uncovers all manners of magical hijinks. Unfortunately, if she wishes to remain part of Nevermoor she must join the Wundrous Society and pass four extremely difficult trails.

I absolutely adored the way so many characters are weaved into the fabric of this story. Sometimes even the most insignificant side character’s play a significant part to play in the storyline. What made this even more enjoyable is the way Jessica Townsend made use of mythological creatures often associated in gothic fantasy. From Vampire Dwarfs to Ghosts and nefarious shadows each creation adds magic and mystery. Fenestra the magnificat is by far my favorite character. She sprung to life from the pages actually making me laugh out loud a few times.

The Hotel Duecalion is where the main bulk of the story takes place, but that doesn’t deter from the enjoyment. In fact the hotel has a character of its own, from Smoking Parlor rooms to The Hall of Shadows there seems to be more mysterious to un-cover. One cannot help but draw comparisons to Hogwarts.

Whilst this book has certainly been compared with Harry Potter by other critics there is a distinct voice that separates this tale. Perhaps it is the way the settings conjure a Tim Burton atmosphere to one’s mind.

I would highly recommend this novel and I am excited to read the next installments.

Published inBook Reviews

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